Observation on therapeutic effects of acupuncture combined with TDP irradiation and Chinese herbal steaming and washing therapy for treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome in early stage Clinical analysis of biofilm in carpal tunnel syndrome by the operation of small incision 针刺加TDP照射和中药熏洗治疗早期腕管综合征疗效观察生物膜在小切口手术治疗腕管综合征中的应用研究
While rest, exercise and some medications can treat carpal tunnel syndrome, severe carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly treated surgically to release the pressure buildup. 在休息的时候,进行锻炼或者一些药物可以治疗腕管综合征,严重地腕管综合征通常采用手术的方式减轻腕管内的压力。
Conclusion The main etiological factor of the bilateral cubital tunnel syndrome was the elbow eversion deformity. The lesions of synovium contributed mainly to the symmetry carpal tunnel syndrome. 结论肘外翻畸形为双侧肘管综合征的主要病因,滑膜病变为双侧腕管综合征的主要病因。
In 4 cases of fractures at the metacarpal base, complicated by acute carpal tunnel syndrome, the fracture was reduced and fixed without transection of the transverse carpal ligament. 4例并发急性腕管综合征,均为掌骨基底骨折,予以骨折复位,未行腕横韧带切开;